Sample Online Memorial Guest Book

Commemorate your loved one with a personalised online guest book where friends and family across the world can share memories and photographs of the deceased.

In order to protect the privacy of previous clients we do not share completed projects and have made this sample page with old family photographs.

This section, and the menu section above will not be included on any client projects.

In Loving Memory of Don McLeod

27th May 1927 - 30th May 1986

Thank you for joining us to celebrate the life of Don.

Please take the time to share some of your treasured memories and photographs of him.

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Rewatch the Memorial Slideshow

Recollections of Don


After my injury Don got me involved in lawn bowls. He was happy to play pairs with me even when I was a beginner and kept putting my bowl in the gutter. In the early days I was never sure if he knocked his bowls out of the way deliverately to let me win. He was so proud when I finally became a force to be reckoned with.
Thank you Don


Don’s motto – Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Don was a great mate and I will miss his sense of humour and ability to spin a yarn with the blokes. He loved sport and knew the rules to any game. He had us so convinced of his knowledge that we were unable to argue with him.


Don was the ever protective brother to me. If I had a date he would be the one to greet them at the front door. He knew how to instill a sense of fear into anyone I went out with.


Don was my older brother and my mentor. He taught me many things from driving to how to ask a girl on a first date. He guided me through life with love and kindness.


Don was passionate about helping veterans and war widows and worked tirelessly for them

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